Saturday, May 10, 2008

A powerhouse in preparation

Google + Yahoo.  Strong signs that negotiations are picking up and that many of the initial fears have vaporized. The benefits from this deal may be tremendous to both. The alliance may be deeper then initially reported.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hello Yang,
I lost a couple hundred dollars on 2
yhoo call options yesterday. But thats ok I elected to take the risk and paid the price without a glitch, and I wont hold you responsible.

Anyway thats not why I am writing this; I have rarely seen such courage and strength in believe.You have faith in Yahoo! and later the crowd may follow. Or they may not.

Your the underdog but by rebuffing msft you showed us all that you have the courage and the passion for risk.
But lets face it
goog is beating you on all counts why?

1- They have a better search engine. (search results in my opinion are much more accurate)

2- They have a better  mail client (many extra features and better appearance, surely more usefull the
3- They have the best rss reader frankly i haven't even tried your web reader.
4- They have to mention only a few.

While you only have 

For your sake, for free markets sake, for competitions sake,. Its time to change stanceyhoo will become a better place with msft programmers might.  

To make the story short would you accept $35.00. will relay the message to Steve Ballmer, or they wont , we will see.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Complexity of Arrogance

Who is in deeper water

msft with aapl on its tracks.
yhoo with goog on its tracks.

Lets face it yahoo has not much to loose it will continue to be the most visited site on the net, it will eventually find a way to generate more revenue, with or without the help of goog.
After suffering a little that is.  

Microsoft is in deeper waters it has a psychological disorder not yet diagnosed I like to call it "The complexity of arrogance". This company has grown so arrogant that it thinks it will sell anything it makes even if it entails more complexity and less productivity for the end user. Eventually corporate buyers will succumb to the might of simplicity.

In the mean time aapl and goog are set to impress their both onto something. We wait and see if the complexity of arrogance will catch-up with them too.